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Teaching Plan for Comprehensive Class

Unit 6 

Intended for: non-English major freshmen(2)

Time: 5 periods

Topic: The EQ Factor

What’s Your Emotional IQ?

Objectives: The students should

 1. Understand the main idea and the organization of text A

2. Learn the way to write an argumentative essay

3. Grasp the key language points and grammatical structures in the text.

4. Conduct some reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit.

Method: mainly getting the students actively involved in your class.

1. reading extra materials relevant;

2. group discussion (scanning the key information);

3. pair work or role-play (reading work, acting work);

4. volunteers’ work (question-answer);

5. translation work (getting familiar with some important words and phrases)


I.       Pre-reading tasks (2 periods)

1.      Warm-ups by background information/ extra materials

2.      Listening ex.

3.      Lead-in questions

4.      New word study

5.      Reading together the whole text and do some preparatory work;

6.      Assignment for next class.

1)      Review the words and expressions by trying to do the voc. Ex.

2)      Preview the text to find your problems there.

II.    While-reading Tasks (2 periods)

1.      Review the new words by a dictation or translation and by checking up the students’ ex.

2.      Global understanding of both the structure and the text by checking up the students’ ex

3.      Detailed understanding of the text by questions

4.    Assignment

1)      Finish all the ex left (cloze, translation, text B, other reading, listening ex)

2)      Preview Text B

III. After-reading Tasks (1 periods)

1.      Checking up the students’ assignment.

2.      Fast reading of text B





1)      interact (with) ---communicate with or react to

2)      It is interesting at parties to see how people interact socially.

3)      torment ---1) n. (肉体或精神上的)折磨,痛苦

4)        be in great torment; suffer torments from toothache

5)        He thought public speaking was a torment to him.

6)        2) 使某人备受折磨或痛苦

7)        He was tormented by hunger, anxiety, mosquitoes.

8)      empathy ---n. an ability to understand or share the feelings of others.

9)        What he lacks is empathy, the ability to put himself in the other fellow’s place.

10)              sympathy is a feeling of pity and sorrow for sb.

11)  Out of sympathy for the homeless children , she gave them shelter for the night.

12) standardize ---vt. 使(某事物)标准化或合乎标准

13) Car parts are usually standardized.汽车部件一般都是统一规格的。

14) n. standard 标准;规格;规范 be up to / below standard 达到或未达到标准

15) adj. standard 标准的;符合标准的;普通的;一般的

16) remedy ---1)n. 药品;I often use herbal remedies.

17)            2) 纠正、矫正办法 seek remedy for injustice

18) This mistake is beyond/past remedy.

19)           Adj. remedial 治疗的;纠正的;补救的;(为后进生提供)辅导的;补习的

20) undergo remedial treatment/therapy

21) take remedial measures 采取补救措施

22) remedial classes, lessons, groups

23) chill---1) n. 寒冷;着凉;冷淡;寒心

24) There is quite a chill on the air in the morning.

25) catch a chill着凉

26) The bad news cast a chill over the gathering. 这坏消息使参加聚会的人颇为扫兴。

27)      2v. make cold

28) The March wind chilled us.

29) Chill sb. to the bone/marrow

30) 课文A重点短语

31) 1.run/go on an errand--- be away on some business

32) The children are old enough to run on errands to the shops.

33) I ‘ve no time to go on errands for you.

34) 2. hold out for sth---refuse to give in and continue to demand more

35) The strikers held out for better pay and conditions

36) Be careful ,the dealers may hold out for a higher price.

37) 3.early on --- soon after the start of a past event 在初期;早先

38) Their role in the strike had become evident early on.

39) I knew early on in the film I was not going to enjoy it.

40) 4.shy away from---avoid or move away from doing sth. because of shyness, fear, etc

41) I ‘ve always shied away from close friendships 我总是避免与人深交。

42) 5. show up ---1) become visible; become increasingly vivid or obvious

43)  Small differences in temperature also show up.

44) The dust on the shelf shows up in the sunlight.

45)        2) (infml) appear; turn up

46) It was ten o’clock when he finally showed up.

47) 6.in the face of ---1) despite

48) He succeeded in the face of great danger.

49) Martha left home in the face of strong opposition from her parents.

50)             2) confronted by

51) No one wanted to surrender in the face of invasion.

52) In primitive times, men found themselves powerless in the face of nature.

53) amount to ---1) add up to 共计

54)     The cost amounted to $250.

55)                2)be equal or the equivalent of; be almost the same as

56)     His attitude towards her amounts to disgust.

57) In 1990 I had what amounted to a fresh start.

58) substitute for --- take the place of; replace

59) If you can’t go yourself , please find someone to substitute for you.

60) 9. count for ---amount to ; be worth

61)      Money counts for too much in our society.

62)      Attending regularly and taking an active part in class discussion counts for 30%of your mark for the semester.

63) 三.课文A语篇与难点

64) 课文语篇

65) I.课文主题

66) Why is it that the person who is the smartest in school is not usually the most successful in life? It may be because intelligence is only one of the factors that it takes to have a well-balanced , successful life. “The EQ Factor ” argues that the ability to understand and manage one’s feelings is actually much more important than simply being smart.

67)  II.课文结构

68)   Part I. ( Paras. 1-4 ) A little experiment on four-year-olds children indicates that emotional intelligence plays a very important role on the way to becoming high achievers.

69) Part II (Paras. 5-7) the author began to analyze how EQ is important to success and how it was coined

70) Part III (paras8-9) Goleman’s theory has practical applications in our communal life, but it also leads to controversy

71) Part IV (para10) the author introduced more different theories on how to make IQ and EQ complement each other well.

72) III.课文重点、难点

73) Some children grab for the treat the minute he’s out the door.

74) treat ---n. something especially pleasant or enjoyable

75) A meal in a good restaurant is a real treat.

76) the minute--- as soon as

77) I knew it the minute I saw him.

78) 2. High achievers, we imagine, were wired for greatness from birth.

79)   在我们的想象中,事业上取得巨大成功者在出生时就为伟大做好了准备。

80)   In figurative use, when high achievers are compared to “thinking machine”, they can certainly be wired too, meaning “equipped” or “prepared” .

81) This is where the marshmallows come in.--- This shows how the marshmallows are related with it.

82) When you say this is where … comes in, you are stating how something or someone is involved with a situation.

83) This is where my husband comes in.

84) This is where legislation comes in.

85) Scientists have worshipped the hardware of the brain and the software of the mind; the messy powers of the heart were left to the poets. 科学家们都崇尚大脑硬件和思想软件;而心灵的琢磨不定的力量则留给了诗人。

86) the regulation of emotion in a way that enhances living--- the control of emotion so that the quality of life is improved.

87) Goleman… has brought together a decade’s worth of behavioral research into how the mind processes feelings. 他把十年来的行为汇总为头脑如何处理感情。

88) a (period of time ) ‘s worth of sth.--- an amount of sth. for a specified length of time

89) a day’s worth of fuel     two weeks’ worth of supplies

90) 6. There may be no less original idea than the notion that our hearts hold dominion over our heads. 我们的心情主宰我们的头脑,这也许是最不新颖的观点。

91) 7. look for antidotes to restore “civility to our streets and caring to our communal life” --- try to find effective ways to make “ordinary people civilized and people in the neighborhood care for each other”

92) 8. invite misuse--- be likely to cause misuse

93) If a situation or action invites danger, trouble , etc. it makes danger or trouble more likely.

94) The wrong policy invited disaster.

95) assign a numerical value to a person’s character as well as his intellect 给一个人的性格和智力标上数值  

96) IV.句型结构

97) when it comes to sth./doing sth. 说到

98) (说到经商) when it comes to business, John is better at it than anyone else.

99) while 1) during the time that; when 2)although

100)              Could you look after the kids while I go shopping?

101)              While I do not agree with what you say, I understand your reasons for saying it .

102)              练习题

103)              Mike is the ____holder of the world 5000-meter race world recorder, but there is no guarantee that he will win in the Olympic Games.

104)              A)prevalent B) dominant C) current D) prominent

105)              2. Extensive reporting on television has helped to _________ interest in a wide variety of sports and activities.
 A) assemble        B) generate           C) yield             D) gather

106)              3. He is quite sure that it's ________ impossible for him to fulfill the task within two days.
 A) absolutely    B) exclusively    C) fully       D) roughly
4. There was a big hole in the road which ________ the traffic.
 A) set back     B) stood back    C) held up    D) kept down

107)              5. The ________ stuck on the envelope says "By Air".
 A) diagram     B) label          C) signal      D) mark

6. Mobile telecommunications ________ is expected to double in Shanghai this year as a result of a contract signed between the two companies.
 A) capacity     B) potential  C) possession   D) impact

108)              7. My brother's plans are very ________; he wants to master English, French and Spanish before he is sixteen.
 A) arbitrary  B) aggressive     C) ambitious   D) abundant

109)              8. The ship's generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated ________ instead of mechanically.
 A) manually  B) artificially   C) automatically D) synthetically

110)              9. Jim knows little of mathematics, ____________ of chemistry.
A) and still less      B) as well as         C) no less than       D) and still more

111)              10. Vicky has been sad recently, for her plan to go to college ____________ at the last moment.
A) fell out          B) fell behind        C) fell through       D) fell off

112)              11. You had better ____________ teasing these newcomers, for that will hurt their feeling.
A) leave out         B) leave for          C) leave off          D) leave behind
12. Don't lose heart! You should _____________ your courage and overcome the difficulty.
A) hold up          B) set up            C) pull up           D) pluck up
13. He ____________ a sum of money every month to help the two orphans.
A) sets aside         B) sets up            C) sets along          D) sets in
14. His debts had to be _____________ after he committed suicide with his rifle.
A) laid off          B) written off        C) turned off         D) put off
15. The gentleman ____________ a cherub with his letter.
A) combined         B) included          C) kept             D) enclosed

113)              16. At the meeting both sides exchanged their views on a wide ____________ of topics they were interested in.
A) extent            B) number         C) collection         D) range
17. His ____________ has changed but he has kept the fine qualities of a scientific researcher.

114)              A) state               B) status              C) station              D) statue
18. She can speak French and German, to ____________ nothing of English.
A) say              B) speak            C) talk              D) tell
19. If you play with electricity, you may get an electric ____________
A) strike            B) beat             C) shock            D) knock
20. It was a wonderful play with a ____________ of over fifty actors and actresses.
A) list             B) group           C) bunch            D) herd

1-5 C B A C B   6-10 C C A A C   11- 15 C D A B D 16-20 D B A C B



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